I've been a passionate YouTuber for 14+ years. Starting with gaming videos, and then moving on to help others build their own unique channels, I've been honing in on my unique voice. The result of this, is a small independent page that I run called Nomad Over Normal. Where we dive deep into the idea of living an unconventional lifestyle, and find alternative ways to find our purpose. In the first few months, we reached 10,000 subscribers.
One of the first notable videos that gained hundreds of thousands of views was my video about the library card. Previously, there had been no major videos dedicated to the library system on Youtube. This was an untapped market. 

What told me making this video would be a hit? 

Well, I knew nobody was interested in libraries itself, but rather the solution that libraries provided. The title begins with a problem that weighs heavy on everyone's mind:

"Replace all of your subscriptions..." 

In late 2023, Netflix hiked its prices, Amazon Prime Video introduced advertisements within their content, and people generally people are beginning to get subscription fatigue entering 2024. The compelling answer to the problem being a library card, written in the title, is something that most people never considered. People just had to click on it. 

This led to the title: "Replace all of your subscriptions with a library card" 
Shortly after the success of the library video, I wanted to make a video that doubled down on subscription fatigue, and address it in a more educational way of, how we got here, and where it's going. 

To the right are my notes on how I go through my titling process. Watch me speak more about the making of the channel, below. 

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