Content strategy to supercharge conversions.

We design content for prospects who are interested, but still not convinced you are the right option, converting these researchers into your buyers.

Your expertise is your most marketable asset. However, packaging that to be concise and understandable to your ideal buyer in the short period of time they're looking at you determines wether you earn the sale or not. Our expertise lies in designing content and messaging to convert prospects who may be unsure of your value.

How others describe working with us.

Three ways we can help.
Strategy & Discovery

All our clients start with a strategy phase for several reasons. Firstly, there are often quick fixes in your messaging that can immediately impact your conversions. It's not uncommon for a few tweaks here to generate enough impact to cover the cost of our engagement. 

Secondly, we firmly believe that taking action before developing a strategy is akin to business malpractice. Strategy's role is to differentiate between opportunities and distractions, refining our focus and achieving clarity. Investing in content before proper discovery is like pressing the gas pedal with the emergency brake engaged.​​​​​​​
"Chris helped me learn how to better serve my customers by making it clear how my product fits into their lives." - Gavin Adin, Founder of GA Training

Gavin Adin, founder of GA Training and world record holding powerlifter

Gavin went through our strategy phase and accomplished 2 major wins: The roadmap to grow his influence from 0 to over half a million followers. As well as launching his productized training business where we helped him with messaging, website's functionality, and content to convert this audience to paid subscribers.
Content Creation

Often times, your content is the first & only impression your prospects have of your brand. How it represents you and the information you want to convey is the difference between them staying or clicking away. 

Your content's tone, substance, and empathy must evolve as your buyer progresses through their decision-making process. How you communicate when they first discover you differs from how you approach them when they're hesitant to buy. We understand the delicacy of each interaction and guide you in ensuring that your intended tone resonates with your buyer throughout their journey.

The content we create based on our strategy is sharp and tactful when it needs to be, and personal & reassuring when it matters most. 
Brand Story Video

A 2-3 minute video designed to efficiently move researchers toward a purchase decision, significantly shortening the typical sales cycle. This video works because it is a megaphone to what is already working for you. We take everything that the buyer needs to know from a sales conversation, landing page or months of following you, and condense it into a single video.

This is a standalone product available to anyone outside of strategy & implementation offers.

"Chris helped me understand what people wanted to know about my business, and brought the words out of me to introduce it." - Itzy Holczler, Founder of Purple Exhibits

Itzy Holczler, Founder of Purple Exhibits & Trade Show Solutions

We made Purple Exhibits a brand story video to help him reveal a new product to his existing customer base. This new product was complex and unfamiliar to many. We helped him articulate what the value of this product was and get hundreds of pre-orders in the first week. 
How have our clients done?

Home contractor - Increased revenue by 38% in the first year. We changed the way their customer's fundamentally perceived their offering online with content and messaging.

Bourbon Brand - Their previous batch of bourbon took 9 months and tens of millions of organic impressions to sell out. After we redesigned consumer's perception of the brand with the proper content, their next batch sold out within 24 hours and 30,000 impressions. This next batch was 3x the price of the previous. 

RV manufacturer - Within 4 months of creating sales driving video assets, they nearly tripled their pipeline of bookings. This was a result of us designing content that understood what the customers were thinking about, wondering and needed to know at different stages of their buying cycle. 

YouTubers - We've worked with over a dozen creators to transform their relationship to their following, resulting in over 1 billion views. 

Real Estate Broker - We tripled the engagements of a brokerage that deals in property rentals for film & TV productions. They were having issues retaining the attention of busy production location managers. We came in to redesign how their portfolio of properties were presented by designing a searchable database.

Conference Event - A conference that was the first of its kind drastically overestimated initial interest, failing to sale even 100 tickets. With our help in packaging the value and pair it with the right message, we helped them cross over 1,000 event attendees. 
"Chris is my business' psychiatrist." - Julian Dorey

Julian Dorey, Host of The Julian Dorey Podcast

The Julian Dorey Podcast has catapulted to a top 100 podcast with nearly 1 million downloads per month. Chris has served as an advisor and content producer to the show since its infancy. 
We aren't for everyone.

We only work with a small handful of clients at a time. Our work is precise, impactful, and time consuming, so it's important to us that there is a right fit because of how invested in the transformation both parties must be.

If you're facing a challenges that require strategic help, and wish to explore working together, fill out our form or email us directly:
We will be reaching out to you shortly.
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