Your expertise is your most marketable asset. However, packaging that to be concise and understandable to your ideal buyer in the short period of time they're looking at you determines wether you earn the sale or not. Our expertise lies in designing the right messaging to convert prospects who may be unsure of your value.
Three ways we can help.
Research & Advisory
The focus of our advisory is to help you discern opportunity from distractions within your business development goals.
We’ll align your brand through content & messaging with key attributes including: voice & tone, look & feel, value proposition, customer avatars, analyzing competitors and more.
We specialize in studying consumer culture and identifying trends on a level that deeply empathizes with the patience and needs of your ideal audience, and determine the best course of action to take in order to retain their attention.
On a tactical level, we focus on understanding: What makes a person click to watch a video? What compels that person to continue watching versus clicking away? How do we get them to binge other pieces of content on your page? Where are the areas of friction preventing that person from taking a leap as a fan of your content to a customer?
"Chris helped me learn how to better serve my customers by making it clear how my product fits into their lives." - Gavin Adin, Founder of GA Training
Video Content Campaigns
Often times, your content is the first & only impression your prospects have of your brand. How it represents you and the information you want to convey is the difference between them staying or clicking away.
Your content's tone, substance, and empathy must evolve as your buyer progresses through their decision-making process. How you communicate when they first discover you differs from how you approach them when they're hesitant to buy. We understand the delicacy of each interaction and guide you in ensuring that your intended tone resonates with your buyer throughout their journey.
The content we create based on our proprietary way of thinking, is sharp and tactful when it needs to be, and personal & reassuring when it matters most.
"Chris helped me understand what people wanted to know about my business, and brought the words out of me to introduce it." - Itzy Holczler, Founder of Purple Exhibits
Brand Story Video
A 2-3 minute video designed to efficiently move researchers toward a purchase decision, significantly shortening the typical sales cycle. This video works because it is a megaphone to what is already working for you. We take everything that the buyer needs to know from a sales conversation, landing page or months of following you, and condense it into a single video.
"Chris is my business' psychiatrist." - Julian Dorey
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